What is a Power Audit?

10th November 2021

A Power Audit is a systematic survey of all electrical equipment, circuits and connections in your building. It provides the foundations for a future-proofed power protection system and can help you reduce your energy consumption.

At Carter Sullivan, a Power Audit is a core part of our Managed Service package, providing our technicians with information and insight into how you use power, current power protection you have in place and areas where we could make improvements.

Learn why a Power audit provides the foundations for safe and sustainable power to your critical infrastructure.

Why do we do a power audit?

A Power Audit is a detailed exploration of your current electrical systems. It provides our engineers with the information they need to build a bespoke power protection system that’s efficient and effective.

A Power Audit helps us to understand your current power requirements. We can detail existing distribution and protection systems in place and assess whether they’re adequate or not. Using the information, we can develop a power protection infrastructure that is built bespoke for your business.

The Power audit process can also highlight how you’re using power, enabling our engineers to identify energy-saving opportunities. The result? Better energy efficiency and lower electric bills.

A Power Audit provides the foundations for us to build a system that can deliver long-lasting security for your business.

The four parts of a Power Audit

A Power Audit is a detailed and systematic process. AT Carter Sullivan, we’ve performed hundreds of Power Audits and developed an industry-leading process that ensures we capture the information we need.

At the end of the Power Audit, they will create:

  • A single line diagram of installation
  • A circuit list
  • An asset list including PDUs/UPS
  • A written status report

Let’s look at these in more detail.

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Single line diagram of installation

A single line diagram of installation is a simple and graphical way to display your current electrical installation. Each circuit is displayed as a single line. It also displays all ratings and capacities or equipment and lists any existing power protection you may have in place.

Laid out in an easy-to-follow way, a single line diagram engineers can use to understand your current system and identify any weak points.

Circuit list

A circuit list includes details of all circuits within your organisation that may need power protection. Similar to the single line diagram of installation, a circuit list is essential for engineers involved in planning your power systems.

Asset list

As well as illustrative diagrams, an engineer will produce a comprehensive asset list, including power distribution units (PDUs) and UPS systems. The assets include details of size, ratings, age and condition. This enables an engineer to quickly check what you currently have in place and spot any gaps.

Written status report

Every Power Audit includes a written status report. This provides an impartial appraisal of your current power protection systems written by an industry expert. Our engineers will identify any weak spots or potential dangers in your existing power system. In addition, the written report includes detailed recommendations on improving your systems, optimising performance and maximising protection.

The power audit is the basis for our ongoing relationship.

The Power Audit process explained

A qualified and experienced electrical engineer performs every Power Audit. We’ll conduct a Power Audit within 15 days of a new client’s planned start date. It’s a crucial first step in our relationship. As we’ll see, the Power Audit process can highlight areas of concern in your current power protection systems that we may need to address immediately.

At the end of a Power Audit, an engineer will have all the information they need to create a comprehensive snapshot of your current power systems.

You’ll receive the completed Power Audit once the visit is finished. We won’t simply send you the report. Instead, we’ll walk you through it, explaining our findings, highlighting their significance.

The Power Audit provides a solid basis for our plans. By understanding your power requirements and current systems, we can configure, design and install the power protection you need – providing total peace of mind and safety.

Experience 100% security with our managed service

Our Power Audit is one of the core parts of our Managed Service. Our managed service is designed to provide 100% security and confidence in your power systems’ long-term performance and security.

We offer a range of service packages suitable for every business and budget. Customers can benefit from:

  • Power audits
  • Software updates
  • Firmware updates
  • Incident support
  • Procurement support
  • Technology enablement sessions
  • Business continuity planning
  • User training
  • Preventative maintenance
  • On-site response

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Want to know more about our Managed Service?

You can learn more about our Managed Service offers, compare packages and find contact details on our dedicated page.

Contact us today to chat about your power protection requirements.